What we do? See realizations!
- We've helped over a hundred children with money for drugs to treat cancer.
- We've equipped the Pediatric Oncology Department of Clinical Institute Fundeni with injectomats, medical equipaments absolutely necessary in managing chemotherapy treatments to children with cancer.
- We have equipped with toys the playground of Department of Pediatric Oncology, Fundeni.
- We offered children with leukemia , hospitalised to Fundeni, at Easter, gifts: laptops, tablets, phones , bicycles and many other toys.
- In 2015 we organized three Superkombat charity gala in Bucharest , Constanta and Mamaia
- We have organized regular visits of music and sports stars to Fundeni , giving children with cancer moments of joy
- We donated food , toys , school supplies and candy to 55 children accommodated in the Placement Center "Little Rotterdam " in Constanta
- We donated building materials, water, food, detergents, clothes and blankets to victims from Vaideeni, Valcea County, who became homeless after floods of 2014’s summer.
- We donated linens, food and water to victims of 2013 flood from Galati County.
- On Christmas Eve, also in Galati, we donated to the children sweets and goodies for Christmas dinner.
- Every year we turn into Santa Clauses for poor children.
- We donate periodicaly food and clothes to disadvantaged elders.
Join our efforts donating by paying with the card through the EuPlatesc.ro platform
Or make a donation online with Paypal: