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Conditions of Use refer exclusively to the www.fightforlife.ro website!

Terms and Conditions in Privacy Policy!
Fight for Life Charity is the author / owner / administrator of the website www.fightforlife.ro, respect the privacy and security of information you provide when using this website, including personal data, for which purpose created and apply this Privacy Policy. The website content is the property of the Association www.fightforlife.ro Fight for Life Charity, CIF: 33071474 Nr. National Register Register: 16289 / A / 2014. The content of this site may be reproduced, modified, transferred, distributed, republished, copied or transmitted in any form without written permission of the Fight for Life Charity. Fight for Life Charity does not retain personal data cards and bank accounts where donations made on site www.fightforlife.ro

Fight for Life Charity is not responsible for any damage caused by unauthorized use of the information on www.fightforlife.ro. Fight for Life Charity reserves the right to change the structure and content www.fightforlife.ro according to the changes that occur on the actions and projects developed.

Access / visiting this website by you is subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy involves your explicit acceptance there of and represents the entire agreement (contract) between the parties. Fight for Life Charity reserves the right to change and update website content at any time www.fightforlife.ro and Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of use, without any prior notice. Therefore, please visit this section regularly to check the terms and conditions you agreed to respect. Fight for Life Charity may collect your personal data but only with your consent and if you provide it voluntarily.

Fight for Life Charity collects and processes statistically about what pages you visit within the Site, including the IP address from which the site was visited. Fight for Life Charity can be used for the Sites cookies to temporarily store personal data for the following purposes:
  • - To improve the security.
  • - To improve usability and provide you service as best.

We use personal data collected for the following purposes:
  • - To ensure that the website is relevant to your needs.
  • - To help us create and publish content most relevant to you
  • - To ensure access to restricted sections of the site.

The site contains links to send us an email. Your email address is used to send you a reply and your message is retained for future reference in case you decide to contact us again. Your e-mail address and name provided in the category of business contact data type and the Fight for Life Charity will use them exclusively for communication with you. Fight for Life Charity does not sell or change personal data.

Fight for Life Charity uses security methods and technologies, along with policies applied to employees and procedures, including inspection and audit, to protect personal data collected according to the law. Sites may contain links to other websites, outside the control Fight for Life Charity, websites that we believe you will find useful. If you access those links you will access / visit websites that may have a privacy policy different from Fight for Life Charity.